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di hari Senin, 05 Oktober 2020 akan hadir kembali webinar “GENERATOR PROTECTION Batch#3” bersama SMARTGATE. Bagi kamu yang belum bisa join di webinar ini sebelumnya, yuk, segera daftarkan diri anda …
di hari Senin, 05 Oktober 2020 akan hadir kembali webinar “GENERATOR PROTECTION Batch#3” bersama SMARTGATE. Bagi kamu yang belum bisa join di webinar ini sebelumnya, yuk, segera daftarkan diri anda …
In cooperation with the official Institute for Certification of Profession (LSP) of National Institute for Certification of Profession (BNSP), SMARTGATE provides a course to prepare candidates into taking professional certification …
Since 2015, Infrared Training Center (ITC) Swedia has appointed SMARTGATE as its official representative in Indonesia to conduct Infrared Thermography International Certification program. International certification program as follows: ITC Infrared …
SMARTGATE (PT Indo Mahakarya Gemilang) holds its license by Indonesian Ministry of Men Power (KEMNAKER RI) to serve as Occupational Safety and Health Service Provider in the field of Electrical …